Climbing the Ladder- The Journey

The Climbing the Ladder blog journey has helped me reflect on where I have been and where I am heading. While I hold these memories and experiences within me, it was very special for me to highlight and share them with you as well. With each blog, I have been able to learn more from each experience and truly reflect on the steps up the ladder that have been a part of my career journey.

Today, as I write this, I can see how each step up the ladder has assisted me in where I am today. I have learned so much on each step, each ladder rung has not only helped me grow in my career but has a person. I started from the bottom, as a courtesy clerk at a grocery store, and now I am the practice administrator of a group of 20 physicians for a major hospital system in my community. While this is not my last step and I am actively pursuing new opportunities with increased responsibility, I wouldn’t be where I am today without the support of those around me. I have always strived for the top and I will continue to do so but, in the process, I need to reflect on where I have been, where I am, and where I am headed. This journey has been long, challenging, filled with ups and downs but it has all been a learning lesson.

This blog highlights the jobs I have held throughout my career. It does not highlight the educational steps that I have also strived for over the years. I earned my bachelor’s degree in 2010 and my first master’s degree in 2014. On August 13th, I will earn my MBA from the University of Nevada, Reno. The two years of this program have not been easy, but I couldn’t be prouder of the accomplishment of earning my MBA from UNR and I am so proud of my fellow classmates on their success. I truly feel that by earning this degree, I have proven to myself that I am capable to keep climbing the ladder in this journey of life. With hard work and dedication so much is possible. Thank you for reading my Climbing the Ladder blog and thank you for sharing this journey with me.

One thought on “Climbing the Ladder- The Journey

  1. Best of luck in pursuing this path up the ladder. Having had the pleasure of working with you throughout this MBA program, I can say from experience that any employer who gives you that next opportunity for advancement will be lucky to have you. I’ve been impressed by your work ethic and willingness to learn throughout the program. Congratulations on getting to the end, and well done!


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